I decided to make another character that I hope to get a few jobs to 75 on, and basically play whenever i'm in the mood for something a little different. I'm hoping to get his MNK and DRK to 75, but I don't have any plans to take him into any kind of endgame. Plus there are perks to being able to play on a male character... most guy players won't toss casual flirt talk my way because they'll automatically assume i'm a "he"!
It might be that I just wanted a change, to put my state of mind somewhere else... but either way, its nice to just play another character and not feel this craze that I always get when playing on Zerayla where I HAVE to progress really quickly. Instead, I can relax and just play.
So yeah, there's Kaelyth. Elvaan ftw!
So onto the update... this week has been really busy. Its funny how I was saying not long ago that I needed to keep myself busy, and now all of a sudden everyone in my social LS seems to be at that stage where they're doing AF, and any non scheduled time, is being spent helping them out. Its fun but very crazy right now @_@
For starters, I helped out Soulstar and Drimergirl with their AF. We farmed coffer keys here and there, and even managed to slay an orc NM on the way to Davoi. Brave little Soulstar...
We ended up doing his AF3 for his DRK up in Delfkutt's Tower. Elden came along on his PUP and while I tanked the weapon NM, they took on 2 skeletons. It was kind of chaotic because their HP was going up and down, and I had to toss some cures here and there while I waited for them to help me kill my mob. Gotta love RDM/NIN. We're weak as hell, but we can survive foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever!
And because I had received my two AF+1 items from Limbus to upgrade my Fighter's Calligae, I decided to redo my AF quests along with Drimergirl so that I could store my WAR AF set again.
We headed over to Palborough mines, and without a moment's hesitation I just jumped in and spawned the big turtle and started denting him with my SAM. *sigh* I really wish I could play my DD jobs more often, I love getting hate from the mob, dodging his moves all the while letting off my skillchains one after the other.
Then there was also Standpoint who needed to get his RNG AF3 done. We headed into Xarcabard and I got to play tank ^^
Well actually, Squishy (aka Standpoint) ended up tanking but thats only because I kept focusing on trying to get a decent screenshot!!!!! The stupid camera kept locking up on me. But it was great, we had most of our LS out there killing the tiger and had it down in a few minutes. Would of made a more interesting story I bet if Squishy had actually died... oh well (would of served him right for all those Canadian jokes! ; ;)
Then there's been of course my "almost daily" static on my BLM. Sabene and Alianne make up the rest of my static, and eventually... we will get 75! We actually ended up having one really good party session where we went from lvl 56-60. The only downside though is that we burned through our anniversary rings! So now its back to "normal xp". Which isn't sooo bad.... except that for parties like today, we had to settle for the old Conquest areas and well... thats quite a bit slower.
And speaking of my BLM, I finally found a decent .dat for the shaman's cloak i'm currently waiting. I couldn't stand the look of it, and went to ffxidats.com looking for something I could use. I eventually saw the BLM outfit from FFX-2, and while it is borderline "showy", i'm still ok with it. Its not like i'm going to have the camera facing her chest all the time, and I reaaaaaaaally love the hat!
I really can't wait to take BLM to endgame. I'm gonna drag Sabene up with me so that we can nuke like crazy... pull hate from the PLDs, mwahahahaha! BLACK MAGES OF DOOM!!!
So... we also tried to get Sabene her Shaman's cloak by killing Centurio XI. Unfortunately the disgusting insect decided he wasn't going to give us the drop, nor anything else decent. -_-
It was actually kinda funny too, because that WHM in the backround, Terribleone had the biggest "tantrum" when we got claim. Started calling us a**holes and other things. He had been there 2hrs before us, and apparently that meant the NM was his. And I quote him "Apparently you don't care about other people".
lol, yeah. I can relate to being choked about having someone show up later than you for an NM, only to have them get claim instead of you.... and as mad and frustrating as that can make me, I still don't openely attack the person. I just vent about it to my LS!
And we were going to stick around for another spawn, but by when the window was open again, there were another 3 CC in the room and we just didn't feel like dealing with the competition. So we went and tried to farm some BLM scrolls. Which didn't drop, but thats ok.... ancient magic is crap anyways. >_>
Last weekend Sabene, Alianne and myself helped out a friend Sulitas with his last windurst missions. He had been with us for the first portion, but due to some internet issues he wasn't able to join us when we finished up windurst missions. So we scheduled to help him on the weekend, and that was a success. It was really convenient too that Kiersten came into the LS for a short time that morning, because he jumped at the offer to help us out and be our tank. If he hadn't been there, i'm not sure we would have been able to get the last mission done easily without any deaths.
As for my own endgame stuff.... RoR finally got our win in Beaucedine! Our last two runs we had tried a new strat, where we would split into 2 alliances to maximize our farming. This worked out pretty well, but unfortunately left us with too little time to kill the boss and there were some other little.... "technical difficulties" that kinda contributed to the loss... BUT we got our win and now hopefully next month will be the last time we have to actually get the win, because our entire roster will have access to Xarcabard!
Next week we'll be doing Bastok, and hopefully we'll get lucky with the Wootz ores which we're now adding to our LS Bank to increase our "Month End Bonus" which is basically "extra" gil that we split to the people that meet the requirements (aka the people that stay the entire run)
I'm also 15 mercenary points away from finally being able to get my Perdu Voulge. It was really disappointing ranking up earlier this week, only to find out I was still 1 full rank below the one I need! GAH!!!!!
This time our assault runs were actually kind of interesting. We did this one, where we had to disguise ourselves as Mamool and open chests and bring the items back to an NPC without being caught. Sneaky we were..... sneaky....
Aside from that, i've basically been having fun with my LS. We've been doing some pretty retarded stuff in game though...
Like the time when we decided to stomp a tree sapling mob with our chocobos. Yes, that worked very well. *cough*
I also helped out Onedarkflame get his WHM testimony earlier today. Funny thing about this story... is we got the WHM testimony on the first Lagoon Sahagin we killed. Only problem is that I didn't think to pass it, and Odf didn't lot it. So the test dropped to me. >_>
We farmed for close to 1.5hrs after that trying to get another, but sadly one never dropped. And during the last 20 minutes, 2 other LS members came to help, but still no drop. Then after Odf had to leave, they decided to kill another Lagoon and farm a bit for fun.... and of course the test drops on the FIRST lagoon they kill.
And then there was last night.... me and Squishy were SUPPOSE to be pling, but we were laughing too hard at the fact that poor Soulstar's HP was droping almost to half with one hit from the pugil that we lost focus. And well he died.
But that wasn't the end!
Thanks to SE for designing the hilarious dance emotes, I was able to dance on top of Soulstar's dead corpse! Mwahahahaha!
And as tradition goes...
Yep. You can't see him in that pic, but he's there.
It was a fun night though.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Traitorous San d'Orian!
Well after having declined a few offers in my FFXI time to go through the rank missions for other nations (Windurst and Bastok) I finally decided to go ahead and watch all my hard earned Outpost Warps wiped.
Sabene and Alianne approached me with the idea of getting rank 10 in all nations, so that we could have the 3 flags + our ToAU flag hanging nicely in our moghouse. And seeing as I hope to eventually complete as much of this game as humanly possible (I will never ever try HNMs, way too much of a time sink) I figured I might as well do it. Plus i've really needed something to keep me busy in this game and getting into a mission static sounded like fun.
So... we started off by changing our nation of allegiance to Windurst. The land of pudgey short Tarutarus who all secretly plan to destroy the world why they fool us with their cute personalities. We got up to the 2.3 dragon fight when a few LS members of ours, suddenly became interested in also changing nations and joining our static. They also invited a friend of theirs, Sulitas. The only problem was that in the end, the 2 LS members that wanted to join us, had flagged a mission for Bastok and weren't able to complete the mission before the day we had all planned to continue on. So in the end, the static was down to 4 members.
We spent a total of 2 days getting up to mission 7.2, and we were really lucky because we had a few LS members help us out with the 5.1 mission (Fei'yin Fight - lvl 50 Cap) when we asked spur of the moment. Usually with capped fights its difficult to get something scheduled but Timwakefield and Falk came to our rescue and allowed us to keep going without any delays.
Finally when we got up to 7.2, we had to call it a night because it was getting late and I also had to go out and do some errands. So we made plans to finish off the missions on the following Saturday, and then start Bastok Missions. But... Alianne's xbox 360 decided to die, and so our plans kinda fell apart.
However! He managed to get a new xbox within a couple of days and we decided to finish up the missions as planned. Only problem was that Sulitas was no where to be found (something about his modem catching fire? I forget the details, but he wasn't able to get online for half a week). We decided anyways though to continue with the missions, because we were eager to change back to San d'Oria and finally get our outpost warps again.
We were able to recruit a few friends of Sabene's for the last fight, and finally had our victory over the little Taru nation!
The dreadful and ugly Bastok was next though.... and boy did we ever push ourselves trying to get these missions done as fast as we could. In total, we spent 2 days going from rank 1-10 and again we were lucky to grab some LS friends to help us on the 5.1 mission again. (I love that mission, but I am SO taking a break from doing it for a while now >_>)
And finally, as of 2 days ago we all switched back to our great nation SAND'ORIA!!!!! And now I just need to wait for our nation to get control of all the zones so I can get my outpost warps back ><
So other than that, i've been duo-ing with Alianne. We've been lvling BLM and NIN so that we can catch up to Sabene's BLM. We finally hit 54 last night, and thanks to the new Anniversary Rings... catching up shouldn't be a problem. We've decided to become a bit of a trio static because we're usually online at the same time.
We also decided to go have some fun and kill stuff for skillups yesterday in Castle O. Seemed the three of us had a really bad day in RL, and so it was nice to just have some company and get some stuff off our chests.
Seems that no matter how hard you try to make things right in life, no matter how hard you try to please people... life just throws more at you.
So needless to say it was a nice couple of hours we spent just killing things and chatting.
And today, a bunch of us in the LS went out to help Onedarkflame get his Tavnazian Bell in The Eldieme Necropolis. At first it was just Odf and me, but eventually the rest of the gang came out to help out. I had to eventually leave to do some errands, but I heard that they not only got the drop, but they also went and killed the NM in Fei'yin and also managed to take care of another member's (Zeo) AF3.
Earlier this week, RoR had a good Windurst run. We've been low on members lately because of the approaching summer. A lot of people seem to be leaving the game because SE fails at bringing any decent content and well... I guess the game is just dying like every MMO eventually does. So we didn't end up being as successful in farming our coins as we have in the past, however we did only have 1 wipe and there were very few deaths this time.
It was really nice to finally have a non-deathish (yes I made that word up) Windurst run! And of course, as usual we had a few members goofing off in costumes. Ketsurui decided he was going to be the chocolate Mandragora, who drops chocolate randomly.
That about sums most of this week up. Oh, I did finally manage to get my clothcraft to 55, but it was pretty expensive. I can break even if ONLY people will buy my stupid Karakul cloth.... which doesn't seem likely -_-.
I guess the only other thing that i'm feeling like posting is i've come to realize there are those that play this game to make friends, and have fun. And then there are those that play the game to feel better about themselves by causing drama wherever they go.
Recently two of my friends in game have had some really retarded rumors flying around, just because they've been seen in game together. But I guess being in the same linkshell, and helping each other on quests and missions automatically implies you're having an e-relationship. And I guess that also means, that its up to others to spread this around, and create the worst possible image about good people in hopes to turn other players against them.
Same crap all over again. I'm just surprised this time its not me they're focusing on, considering "some" people are convinced i'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Oh yes..... I am... I secretly await my chance to ninja lot everyone! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Its entertaining to see the crap people come up with, but the truth is that the people that are targetted, often get hurt. I can't understand why people go out of their way to make others in this game miserable. This game is meant to be enjoyed, and people just need to mind their own business and play. If you don't get along with someone, so be it. Don't play with them, but why the hell do you have to go around spreading crap that isn't true, only to make their life and gaming experience miserable?
I think I have to learn how to do PvP. I think my new goal, will be to hunt down all the morons and beat them down with my club. Or sword. ACTUALLY! I will beat them down with plushy mithra dolls! Time to go practice in Rakion >_>.
Sabene and Alianne approached me with the idea of getting rank 10 in all nations, so that we could have the 3 flags + our ToAU flag hanging nicely in our moghouse. And seeing as I hope to eventually complete as much of this game as humanly possible (I will never ever try HNMs, way too much of a time sink) I figured I might as well do it. Plus i've really needed something to keep me busy in this game and getting into a mission static sounded like fun.
So... we started off by changing our nation of allegiance to Windurst. The land of pudgey short Tarutarus who all secretly plan to destroy the world why they fool us with their cute personalities. We got up to the 2.3 dragon fight when a few LS members of ours, suddenly became interested in also changing nations and joining our static. They also invited a friend of theirs, Sulitas. The only problem was that in the end, the 2 LS members that wanted to join us, had flagged a mission for Bastok and weren't able to complete the mission before the day we had all planned to continue on. So in the end, the static was down to 4 members.
We spent a total of 2 days getting up to mission 7.2, and we were really lucky because we had a few LS members help us out with the 5.1 mission (Fei'yin Fight - lvl 50 Cap) when we asked spur of the moment. Usually with capped fights its difficult to get something scheduled but Timwakefield and Falk came to our rescue and allowed us to keep going without any delays.
Finally when we got up to 7.2, we had to call it a night because it was getting late and I also had to go out and do some errands. So we made plans to finish off the missions on the following Saturday, and then start Bastok Missions. But... Alianne's xbox 360 decided to die, and so our plans kinda fell apart.
However! He managed to get a new xbox within a couple of days and we decided to finish up the missions as planned. Only problem was that Sulitas was no where to be found (something about his modem catching fire? I forget the details, but he wasn't able to get online for half a week). We decided anyways though to continue with the missions, because we were eager to change back to San d'Oria and finally get our outpost warps again.
We were able to recruit a few friends of Sabene's for the last fight, and finally had our victory over the little Taru nation!
The dreadful and ugly Bastok was next though.... and boy did we ever push ourselves trying to get these missions done as fast as we could. In total, we spent 2 days going from rank 1-10 and again we were lucky to grab some LS friends to help us on the 5.1 mission again. (I love that mission, but I am SO taking a break from doing it for a while now >_>)
And finally, as of 2 days ago we all switched back to our great nation SAND'ORIA!!!!! And now I just need to wait for our nation to get control of all the zones so I can get my outpost warps back ><
So other than that, i've been duo-ing with Alianne. We've been lvling BLM and NIN so that we can catch up to Sabene's BLM. We finally hit 54 last night, and thanks to the new Anniversary Rings... catching up shouldn't be a problem. We've decided to become a bit of a trio static because we're usually online at the same time.
We also decided to go have some fun and kill stuff for skillups yesterday in Castle O. Seemed the three of us had a really bad day in RL, and so it was nice to just have some company and get some stuff off our chests.
Seems that no matter how hard you try to make things right in life, no matter how hard you try to please people... life just throws more at you.
So needless to say it was a nice couple of hours we spent just killing things and chatting.
And today, a bunch of us in the LS went out to help Onedarkflame get his Tavnazian Bell in The Eldieme Necropolis. At first it was just Odf and me, but eventually the rest of the gang came out to help out. I had to eventually leave to do some errands, but I heard that they not only got the drop, but they also went and killed the NM in Fei'yin and also managed to take care of another member's (Zeo) AF3.
Earlier this week, RoR had a good Windurst run. We've been low on members lately because of the approaching summer. A lot of people seem to be leaving the game because SE fails at bringing any decent content and well... I guess the game is just dying like every MMO eventually does. So we didn't end up being as successful in farming our coins as we have in the past, however we did only have 1 wipe and there were very few deaths this time.
It was really nice to finally have a non-deathish (yes I made that word up) Windurst run! And of course, as usual we had a few members goofing off in costumes. Ketsurui decided he was going to be the chocolate Mandragora, who drops chocolate randomly.
That about sums most of this week up. Oh, I did finally manage to get my clothcraft to 55, but it was pretty expensive. I can break even if ONLY people will buy my stupid Karakul cloth.... which doesn't seem likely -_-.
I guess the only other thing that i'm feeling like posting is i've come to realize there are those that play this game to make friends, and have fun. And then there are those that play the game to feel better about themselves by causing drama wherever they go.
Recently two of my friends in game have had some really retarded rumors flying around, just because they've been seen in game together. But I guess being in the same linkshell, and helping each other on quests and missions automatically implies you're having an e-relationship. And I guess that also means, that its up to others to spread this around, and create the worst possible image about good people in hopes to turn other players against them.
Same crap all over again. I'm just surprised this time its not me they're focusing on, considering "some" people are convinced i'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Oh yes..... I am... I secretly await my chance to ninja lot everyone! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Its entertaining to see the crap people come up with, but the truth is that the people that are targetted, often get hurt. I can't understand why people go out of their way to make others in this game miserable. This game is meant to be enjoyed, and people just need to mind their own business and play. If you don't get along with someone, so be it. Don't play with them, but why the hell do you have to go around spreading crap that isn't true, only to make their life and gaming experience miserable?
I think I have to learn how to do PvP. I think my new goal, will be to hunt down all the morons and beat them down with my club. Or sword. ACTUALLY! I will beat them down with plushy mithra dolls! Time to go practice in Rakion >_>.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Go go elvaan BLM!
I've been spending most of this week and last week lvling my BLM. Currently i'm lvling it with a LS friend, Alianne (NIN) and eventually we plan to static with our friend Sabene on her BLM. We won't end up making an ideal party with our jobs, but its something we can do a couple of times a week and hopefully partying with friends will be more enjoyable especially if we need to vent about bad pickups we might invite.
Having just reached lvl 52, I spent the last couple of days getting my AF done. Now I really and truly understand the frustrations of everyone else in this game, especially when the AF you need to get can't be soloed. I've been so used to always having Xean with me whenever we had to do AF, and with his NIN we pretty much could duo anything.
Half of my AF was pretty easy, but there were two pieces that weren't exactly a walk in the park. I'll have to say though, getting all my coffer keys (x3) went really smooth. Timwakefield, Alianne and myself went out one day and decided to kill some coffer mobs. The coffer keys dropped fairly quick, with only Davoi taking about 40 minutes or so.
But when I went to go find the coffer for The Eldieme Necropolis..... oye... that was a serious pain in the ass. I've had a number of people help me with the switches on different occasions, and every single time i'd go and try to look for the coffer, it wouldn't be up. It wasn't until my 5th try that I finally found it. Of course though, it was in one of the last spawn points...
And the story gets better, but more in a hilarious way. My AF3 fight involved an NM down in Toraimarai Canal. An elemental NM to be more exact, which meant very high physical damage resistance. My party consisted of myself (BLM50), Sabene (WHM75), Standpoint (DRK75 aka Mr. Squishy) and Alianne (RDM66). The fight was going pretty well, however our DRK was having a few issues keeping hate mainly due to not having provoke, and with all the cures being tossed the mages were getting hit here and there. The moment though when it all got better, was when Alianne decided to convert, right next to the monster.
And literally, within that same second when the convert ability went up, BOOM. Alianne falls dead to the ground.
At the time a few of our ls members were on Skype, and we just burst out laughing for a good 5 minutes. We couldn't stop laughing even after we had finally killed the NM. I also ended up dying, but it was worth the laughs we had.
Actually, speaking of Skype I'm pretty happy that I finally got some members to pick up a mic and get this setup. We've been able to do some missions together and have had a lot of fun tossing jokes back and forth. The last few nights I haven't really been able to talk and have pretty much been silent, but earlier in the week it was a nice change.
Other things i've been doing lately to keep myself busy, are... Windurst missions. A bunch of us in the LS decided to change nations, and get rank 10 in Windurst and in Bastok. We were able to get through the first missions pretty easily, but gawd do they ever take forever. The static right now includes Alianne, Sabene, Sulitas, Uryury (played by Sulitas) and myself. We've been able to have a few people help us out along the way - Falk, Timwakefield and Faule.
I think we managed to go from mission 2.3-6.1 in one day, and then spent just this last monday getting up to 8.2. As easy as the Windurst missions are, they also have an annoying wait time. You don't actually have to "wait until JP midnight" to proceed, but you do have to fight 2 NMs on two different missions.... in order to get a rare/ex item. Each party member requires one, and the NM only drops 2 per death. So with 5-6ppl needing the item, we had 3 NMs to kill each time, and with their 20 minute respawn time... we were pretty bored out of our minds.
Our LS also managed to get another win on the ToAU44 Alexander fight (Sabene needed some help considering her previous static couldn't even get to Alexander....lol....hahahahahahaha..... sorry, just i'm not particularily fond of the static members she had so its kinda fun to laugh that they weren't successful <_<)
Currently we're 4/5 (our first run was a dry run anyways) and while this fight can be really expensive due to the MP you have to go through, its really fun. I get so pumped just listening to the music from this fight, when you finally get to go against Alexander.... its the perfect tanking music.
Last week or maybe it was just a bit before, I also volunteered to help out two LS members (Skiewalker and Pinkubara) with their promyvions. I used to actually do a weekly static to get our LS members through these with Xean, but eventually we got burnt out doing them every week and on top of that, not everyone who would sign up would make an effort to show up on time, or show at all. But I was pretty open to helping some LS members with the missions again, and this time I had my SMN to bring!
I will always say that SMN has a place to shine, and that would be BCNM type battles... especially the promyvions.
But... I didn't get to shine this time around. Not everyone was experienced with promyvions, and not everyone had the necessary items --> anima! Some people had said that the missions had become easier, so we figured that we would be ok with having maybe one pyschoanima and one hysteroanima per promyvion, but unfortunately when we went and did Holla.. we wiped.
I felt bad, because really that was one of the few wipes I had ever experienced. But Skiewalker and Pinkubara seemed set on getting these done and a couple of days after setup a post on our forum to try and reschedule. I'm sure we'll get the wins next time.
So for my other committments... i'm getting closer to being able to get my Perdu Vulge from Assault. I'm just about ready to rank up to Second Lieutenant (I think thats the one) and can't wait to try out a new Great Axe. I've really been focusing on gearing my SAM, but once I get a few more pieces for my WAR I might start playing that a bit more.
My weekend static with my LS has been going pretty good. We finally got out of Kazham, and most of us reached lvl 32-33 in our last party session. We actually tried out a new area to xp, which though took FOREVER to get to, was a nice change to the scenary. We headed to Purgonorgo Isle and partied there for a good 3hrs. The xp was about the same that you'd get in Garlaige Citadel, only we had no competition to deal with.
Limbus is not doing so well lately. We have had good runs on our Tuesday nights, but Saturdays have been really bad. We don't usually have more than 7-8 people now, and on our last run we had a few wipes that we don't usually experience.
The upside to this though, is that leadership finally decided to allow recruitment through friend referrals, so i've already invited Sabene to our Saturday runs. I just hope that more people will be invited to our shell because otherwise we'll be cancelling our runs every saturday if not enough people show up.
Dynamis.. Dynamis... Dynamis... last month we worked on trying to get our members some city wins (yay Sandoria!)
But when we went to Beaucedine, we didn't do so great. We had tried another method, which was to split our LS into 2 alliances. We would try to maximize our potential for farming while at the same time making our way to the boss. A few things though, prevented us from getting the win on our first run of the month...
The first being that we had some pretty big pulls, and because we typically have a few people leave in the middle of the run due to having to be up early (these are special cases which we allow because these people can't really get into other shells due to their time zone) we didn't really have "full" alliances at all times. This resulted in a couple of wipes, which definitely cut down our time. And by the time we would get to the boss NM, we were really limited... I believe within 10 minutes of the hourglass being finished.
After the first loss, we decided to try and redo the zone, but this time it seemed just a bit harder. We had one rescue "mission" for a member that had come late, and again with a smaller number in the alliances near the end, we had a few wipes and just didn't have the time we needed to kill the boss before the dragons came back and annihilated everyone.
Hopefully tonight's Xarcabard run though will have plenty of AF drops. We could use a bit of luck ><
Only other things i've been up to lately have been Campaign. I find myself doing this late at night when no one is really on. Its one of the last things that myself and Xean actually enjoyed doing together, and I guess I find a bit of comfort in remembering that. I haven't really been able to have any kind of focus lately to get into merits (I did try and help Soulstar to 75 last week, but I was soooo behind with my refresh, hastes etc) so this is keeping me busy and giving me something to enjoy a little.
I think thats about all I can write on now. Its getting hard to keep updating all the time, but that might also be because of other things going on in my life. Meh, i'll try to kick myself a bit more to keep this updated.
Oh, but before I forget... I've been working on making my moghouse look kinda nice. I don't use ALL my inventory space, so I figured why not decorate it a bit! Here's a few shots so far:
Having just reached lvl 52, I spent the last couple of days getting my AF done. Now I really and truly understand the frustrations of everyone else in this game, especially when the AF you need to get can't be soloed. I've been so used to always having Xean with me whenever we had to do AF, and with his NIN we pretty much could duo anything.
Half of my AF was pretty easy, but there were two pieces that weren't exactly a walk in the park. I'll have to say though, getting all my coffer keys (x3) went really smooth. Timwakefield, Alianne and myself went out one day and decided to kill some coffer mobs. The coffer keys dropped fairly quick, with only Davoi taking about 40 minutes or so.
But when I went to go find the coffer for The Eldieme Necropolis..... oye... that was a serious pain in the ass. I've had a number of people help me with the switches on different occasions, and every single time i'd go and try to look for the coffer, it wouldn't be up. It wasn't until my 5th try that I finally found it. Of course though, it was in one of the last spawn points...
And the story gets better, but more in a hilarious way. My AF3 fight involved an NM down in Toraimarai Canal. An elemental NM to be more exact, which meant very high physical damage resistance. My party consisted of myself (BLM50), Sabene (WHM75), Standpoint (DRK75 aka Mr. Squishy) and Alianne (RDM66). The fight was going pretty well, however our DRK was having a few issues keeping hate mainly due to not having provoke, and with all the cures being tossed the mages were getting hit here and there. The moment though when it all got better, was when Alianne decided to convert, right next to the monster.
And literally, within that same second when the convert ability went up, BOOM. Alianne falls dead to the ground.
At the time a few of our ls members were on Skype, and we just burst out laughing for a good 5 minutes. We couldn't stop laughing even after we had finally killed the NM. I also ended up dying, but it was worth the laughs we had.
Actually, speaking of Skype I'm pretty happy that I finally got some members to pick up a mic and get this setup. We've been able to do some missions together and have had a lot of fun tossing jokes back and forth. The last few nights I haven't really been able to talk and have pretty much been silent, but earlier in the week it was a nice change.
Other things i've been doing lately to keep myself busy, are... Windurst missions. A bunch of us in the LS decided to change nations, and get rank 10 in Windurst and in Bastok. We were able to get through the first missions pretty easily, but gawd do they ever take forever. The static right now includes Alianne, Sabene, Sulitas, Uryury (played by Sulitas) and myself. We've been able to have a few people help us out along the way - Falk, Timwakefield and Faule.
I think we managed to go from mission 2.3-6.1 in one day, and then spent just this last monday getting up to 8.2. As easy as the Windurst missions are, they also have an annoying wait time. You don't actually have to "wait until JP midnight" to proceed, but you do have to fight 2 NMs on two different missions.... in order to get a rare/ex item. Each party member requires one, and the NM only drops 2 per death. So with 5-6ppl needing the item, we had 3 NMs to kill each time, and with their 20 minute respawn time... we were pretty bored out of our minds.
Our LS also managed to get another win on the ToAU44 Alexander fight (Sabene needed some help considering her previous static couldn't even get to Alexander....lol....hahahahahahaha..... sorry, just i'm not particularily fond of the static members she had so its kinda fun to laugh that they weren't successful <_<)
Currently we're 4/5 (our first run was a dry run anyways) and while this fight can be really expensive due to the MP you have to go through, its really fun. I get so pumped just listening to the music from this fight, when you finally get to go against Alexander.... its the perfect tanking music.
Last week or maybe it was just a bit before, I also volunteered to help out two LS members (Skiewalker and Pinkubara) with their promyvions. I used to actually do a weekly static to get our LS members through these with Xean, but eventually we got burnt out doing them every week and on top of that, not everyone who would sign up would make an effort to show up on time, or show at all. But I was pretty open to helping some LS members with the missions again, and this time I had my SMN to bring!
I will always say that SMN has a place to shine, and that would be BCNM type battles... especially the promyvions.
But... I didn't get to shine this time around. Not everyone was experienced with promyvions, and not everyone had the necessary items --> anima! Some people had said that the missions had become easier, so we figured that we would be ok with having maybe one pyschoanima and one hysteroanima per promyvion, but unfortunately when we went and did Holla.. we wiped.
I felt bad, because really that was one of the few wipes I had ever experienced. But Skiewalker and Pinkubara seemed set on getting these done and a couple of days after setup a post on our forum to try and reschedule. I'm sure we'll get the wins next time.
So for my other committments... i'm getting closer to being able to get my Perdu Vulge from Assault. I'm just about ready to rank up to Second Lieutenant (I think thats the one) and can't wait to try out a new Great Axe. I've really been focusing on gearing my SAM, but once I get a few more pieces for my WAR I might start playing that a bit more.
My weekend static with my LS has been going pretty good. We finally got out of Kazham, and most of us reached lvl 32-33 in our last party session. We actually tried out a new area to xp, which though took FOREVER to get to, was a nice change to the scenary. We headed to Purgonorgo Isle and partied there for a good 3hrs. The xp was about the same that you'd get in Garlaige Citadel, only we had no competition to deal with.
(Falk decided to dance on my corpse after I intentionally tried to club that Mandy in the backround to death, in order to bloodwarp on my SCH)
Also on the way up to sky one night, I ran into Steelfleece so me and Alianne decided to kill the oversized sheep. Of course there wasn't any gil drop, but Alianne did get the rare/ex item for the purple belt quest so I guess that was good.Limbus is not doing so well lately. We have had good runs on our Tuesday nights, but Saturdays have been really bad. We don't usually have more than 7-8 people now, and on our last run we had a few wipes that we don't usually experience.
The upside to this though, is that leadership finally decided to allow recruitment through friend referrals, so i've already invited Sabene to our Saturday runs. I just hope that more people will be invited to our shell because otherwise we'll be cancelling our runs every saturday if not enough people show up.
Dynamis.. Dynamis... Dynamis... last month we worked on trying to get our members some city wins (yay Sandoria!)
But when we went to Beaucedine, we didn't do so great. We had tried another method, which was to split our LS into 2 alliances. We would try to maximize our potential for farming while at the same time making our way to the boss. A few things though, prevented us from getting the win on our first run of the month...
The first being that we had some pretty big pulls, and because we typically have a few people leave in the middle of the run due to having to be up early (these are special cases which we allow because these people can't really get into other shells due to their time zone) we didn't really have "full" alliances at all times. This resulted in a couple of wipes, which definitely cut down our time. And by the time we would get to the boss NM, we were really limited... I believe within 10 minutes of the hourglass being finished.
After the first loss, we decided to try and redo the zone, but this time it seemed just a bit harder. We had one rescue "mission" for a member that had come late, and again with a smaller number in the alliances near the end, we had a few wipes and just didn't have the time we needed to kill the boss before the dragons came back and annihilated everyone.
Hopefully tonight's Xarcabard run though will have plenty of AF drops. We could use a bit of luck ><
Only other things i've been up to lately have been Campaign. I find myself doing this late at night when no one is really on. Its one of the last things that myself and Xean actually enjoyed doing together, and I guess I find a bit of comfort in remembering that. I haven't really been able to have any kind of focus lately to get into merits (I did try and help Soulstar to 75 last week, but I was soooo behind with my refresh, hastes etc) so this is keeping me busy and giving me something to enjoy a little.
I think thats about all I can write on now. Its getting hard to keep updating all the time, but that might also be because of other things going on in my life. Meh, i'll try to kick myself a bit more to keep this updated.
Oh, but before I forget... I've been working on making my moghouse look kinda nice. I don't use ALL my inventory space, so I figured why not decorate it a bit! Here's a few shots so far:
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