~ M e r r y C h r i s t m a s ~
However this year, I decided that i'd finally do the mini-game events and get the lolchristmas gear.
The mini games weren't too bad, and I was able to get everything within 2 days of casually playing them. I even managed to pick up quite a few food items, which I hope to use in whatever low level ls events I get involved in.
And now to the more interesting part of this post... Last month I decided that I would be hosting a special Christmas event for my social shell. This would be my way of thanking the members for making the shell a success after all this time. We've had people come and go, but no matter how many members we've had at any time, they've always been great about making the LS a place to call home!
So at the beginning of the month, I had all the members that were interested in participating, post on our forum to sign up for a "Secret Santa" gift exchange. We had about 14 people sign up, and I sent each of them a little PM to let them know who they had been paired up with. They were then given the task to find a gift (in game) to give to the member they were paired up with.
Then this Sunday, at the break of dawn (7am my time X_X) we all gathered together at the Kokba Hostel (sp?) and took some time just to hang out, goof around and take some fun screenshots. The fun part about having LS events at the hostel, is that you get temporary food items, costume items and fireworks and everyone was having a blast playing around with them.
After we had our fun, we called the names one by one and did the gift exchange. It was a huge success, and many of the gifts that were chosen had a lot of thought put into them. It was fun to see everyone get a little something that would either help them level a job they were working on, or in the case of Carste, decorate his mog house with a dozen roses (lol)
When we were done with the gift exchange, we sat down and took a few group screenshots to finish it off :)
But the day was not done yet! I split everyone up into two teams, and started our "Treasure Hunt"! The goal of this event was for the two teams to travel around Vana'diel and farm up random items that I had selected (from slime oil, to a Kaiser Sword). They had around an hour and a half to collect as many items as they could, and at the end the team with the most items would be declared the winner!
So off they went to go farm the items, while I headed up to my kitchen to make some breakfast. <_<
After about an hour and a half, I asked both teams to come meet me in whitegate and the team that would have obtained the most items, would be the winners! The winning team consisted of Fieryblizzard, Carste, Athoz, Sabene and Demionknight. Each were rewarded with 100k each. Their team had managed to get 9/10 items, where as the losing team, had only managed to get 5/10 items.
Soulstar, Drimergirl, Elden, Janko, Zeo and Mailinx were given the task of shouting a little song, in whitegate. The song of choice? "I'm Too Sexy" I of course had the lyrics changed up a little so that it could fit the FFXI theme:
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me
I'm too sexy for my subligar too sexy for my subligar
So sexy it hurts
And I'm too sexy for Bastok too sexy for Bastok
San d'Oria and Windurst
And I'm too sexy for your party
Too sexy for your party
No way I'm disco dancing
I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my chocobo
Too sexy by far
And I'm too sexy for my optical hat
Too sexy for my optical hat what do you think about that
I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my
'Cos I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my cat too sexy for my caitsith
Poor pussy poor pussy cat
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me
And I'm too sexy for this song
Love's going to leave me
I'm too sexy for my subligar too sexy for my subligar
So sexy it hurts
And I'm too sexy for Bastok too sexy for Bastok
San d'Oria and Windurst
And I'm too sexy for your party
Too sexy for your party
No way I'm disco dancing
I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my chocobo
Too sexy by far
And I'm too sexy for my optical hat
Too sexy for my optical hat what do you think about that
I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my
'Cos I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk
I'm too sexy for my cat too sexy for my caitsith
Poor pussy poor pussy cat
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me
And I'm too sexy for this song
And for those that want to see the actual screenshot -- Link
We had quite a few people shout back some positive things, but we had one person who didn't quite appreciate our performance! ; ;
Oh well.. we had fun and that's really all that mattered.
After the event had been wrapped up, I geared up my RDM to help out with the CoP Sunday static we have going now to help Standpoint, Drimergirl and Soulstar. We started off with the Mithra fight in Attowha Chasym which went pretty smoothly. We managed to get down 2/3 mithra before we wiped, which was only because the mobs seemed to gain a resistance to our sleeps. But we got back up and finished off the last one with no problem!
Next was the Snoll Tzar fight... I was asked to change to SAM, which instantly made my day. The fight strat was pretty straight forward - ZERG!
And that is exactly what I did! It was funny, because someone mentioned a directional AoE move that the mob had, and Soulstar then asked where he should be standing so that he wouldn't get hit with it.
My answer?
"Away from me!". I knew that i'd be tanking the fight, especially because I had planned to use my 2hr.... hehehehehehehe......
Yep, I was the first and only one to die! It was fine by me, I sat back laughing because I knew to expect it, and was just happy that I got to pull out some damage on my SAM beforehand.
The last fight was against some moblins in the Mine Shaft (something something). I was asked to come RDM/NIN and kite the big one, which wasn't too bad. I just wish there had been a little more kiting room.
We'll be continueing the next missions sometime in January when everyone comes back from their vacations, and if all goes as planned, 3 more LS members will finally have their Rajas rings before the end of January!
And speaking of moblins.. SE introduced a new game event called Moblin Maze Mongers. I haven't read up too much on the specifics, but from what I know already, the objective is to kill a certain amount of mobs, in a maze, within a certain amount of time. If you succeed, you are awarded "marbles" which are a new form of currency that you can purchase gear from, as well as special items that allow you to do harder types of mazes.
I originally did a couple of runs with Elden's alternate character Vepion, and Janko. We managed to get up to the last 2 mobs, but lacked the dmg to complete the maze. No problem though, we mostly just wanted to try it out and have a little fun.
The day after, I was invited along with Zeo, Demionknight, Soulstar, Drimergirl and Mailinx to do a few runs. We did much better (obviously due to having a full party) and I think I managed to collect about 30-40 marbles. I enjoyed these, and I think it's a great idea that SE introduced this event. Now when people log into the LS and have nothing to do, we can just meet up in Jeuno and take some time to do the mazes.
Oooh, and I totally forgot to mention this, but... my social shell members are the best! Near the end of the day (Sunday), I was asked to join a party with Sabene. A few other LS members were in party, and I had no clue what they were up to. Then Sabene started telling me that herself and the others, had enjoyed the event I hosted and wanted to give me a gift because I hadn't participated in the Secret Santa gift exchange myself.
Looking in my trade box menu, I found myself the Dark Spirit pact for my SMN. And just moments before, Onedarkflame had given me the Light Spirit pact as well! I was extremely grateful for the gifts especially considering that both of the items are very pricey, and I would of never thought to get them for my SMN (which is now lvl 52!) I have to say... these guys are quite sneaky, but very smart! I'm probably not an easy person to buy for in the game, because aside from the insane expensive pieces of gear, I usually have everything I need... and these guys were able to find something I didn't have, and had honestly never put much thought into getting. So yeah... now I can feel not so gimp on my SMN! Thank you guys! ^^
And so to end this post, I figured i'd post a few pics of my little brenner match against a certain BLU.
With the help of Elden's PUP, I was able to show Janko a thing or two about poking fun at the Canadian!
We had a blast, which I find really odd because I really don't enjoy PvP at all. But I think its mainly because while we all did want to be the victor, we goofed around a bit and didn't take it so seriously. I'm pretty sure that Janko held back a lot and let me win a few times... not that he'd really be able to dent my PLD much *flexes*
Ok... I lied.
Maybe the PLD can be dented, just a little. ^^;
Well that's it for this post. Hope everyone who is reading, has a great christmas with their friends and family and best wishes to you all in the future :)