Last year, our LS TheBrotherhood had expressed an interest in doing a lvl 30 Garrison in Buburimu Peninsula. This is where up to 3 parties, will fight a total of 4 waves of monsters, with the last wave also having an NM. You are capped depending on the area, and if you win, then you are awarded prizes which include equipment (sometimes up to 500k), mannequin pieces and Dragon Chronicle Pages (xp scrolls). Well, in order to do this event you need to trade a rare/ex item and when we decided to try Buburimu Peninsula, myself and Xean set out to Maze of Shahkrami to farm Goblins to get the drop "Mithra Fang Sack".
I waited for Xean to get home from school, and when he logged in we went back to Maze of Shahkrami. We farmed for about an hour before his finally dropped, which is just typical... but at least the item did drop. Then because it was kind of late and I wasn't really feeling energetic about doing anything else in the game we logged for the night.
After quite a few hours of farming, and no drop we decided that if we couldn't get the piece, other LS members might have just as hard of a time so we opted to change our Garrison for that month back to West Ronfaure, which we were very familiar with and successful. And from that point on, we continued doing our garrison runs in West Ronfaure.
Fast forward to this month, we decided to try again to farm this elusive Mithra Fang sack and get a garrison run in Buburimu Peninsula for the end of the month. I scheduled a farming party last night so that any members in the garrison, could get their item.
Our farming party consisted of myself, Sirivalin (BLM), Evanai (WHM), Inari (WAR), Pasquale (SMN) and Alianne (THF). Later on, Carste also headed down to give us a hand with his THF though he didn't need the item. We farmed for maybe 40 minutes and started to get a bit discouraged with no drop. The more annoying part, was that there was only about 12 goblins to kill and we killed them so fast that we had some down time in between pops.
Eventually though, Alianne's treasure hunter II decided to work and after killing 2 consecutive goblins, we had 2 mithra fang sacks. We all lotted on these, and the first two went to Sirivalin and Evanai (Oh, Evanai is actually Lokelani now. Due to some retarded unknown event, her character had been deleted and when SE restored it, they made her change the name... but I still call her Ev). Then the next 2 that dropped within the next 30 minutes went to Pasquale and Inari, and finally the last one I got by default. Everyone had to go, and I needed to check up on AH sales so we disbanded.
I waited for Xean to get home from school, and when he logged in we went back to Maze of Shahkrami. We farmed for about an hour before his finally dropped, which is just typical... but at least the item did drop. Then because it was kind of late and I wasn't really feeling energetic about doing anything else in the game we logged for the night.
So now its just a matter of waiting until February 24th, which is when our garrison event will be. So far it looks promising, many LS members have signed up and I just hope that we do as well as we've done with past garrison events. I'm really looking forward to being able to do a larger scale event with the LS, because its been a while since we have and I want everyone to be able to take some time out from the grinds in this game, and just have some fun.
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