Everything seemed fine, until the weekend when I found out that on all my characters except for one mule, I would get "R0" which led to my characters disconnecting. I couldn't figure out how to resolve the problem at first, nor could thousands of other players who also experienced this problem. Many of us emailed, called and tried various ways to get in touch with SE to find out what the problem was, and how to fix it because surely if we had been able to play fine without any problems, up until downloading their update, the problem had to be theirs. But just as expected, the response we received was that the problem was on our end, and there was nothing they could do.
Eventually I found some suggestions to change my IP address, and so I called up my ISP and had them guide me how to do that. This fixed the problem, and I was extremely happy to know that I would be able to do my CoP static that weekend.
Unfortunately though, the CoP static didn't end up going as well as planned. We spent a long while farming coral keys needed to spawn an NM in Sarcarium, and then we had to go and reduce our formor hate. Finally when we headed back to go pop the NM, we were about to find out that apparently ghosts don't like to be found... Our NM is suppose to be a ghost, and he spawns when you open a drawer found in 1 of 6 rooms in Sarcarium. Well, apparently this ??? rotates every 15 minutes, and one of the rooms can only be accessed by using one of your keys (once used, it disappears from inventory). We spent 2.5 hrs trying to find the ???, going through all of the rooms one by one but with no luck. It wasn't until the end when we decided to waste one of our keys and go to the 6th room, that we would of finally been able to complete the quest... however lets just say that we "took a wrong turn" and because of how late things were, we decided we'd retry another day.
Though I didn't get to progress in CoP, I did finally get to see this beautiful area of Miseraux Coast where there is an elegant waterfall that cascades down so gently. I had to take a picture of this place, and only wished that I had seen this area before because its really amazing. One thing SE does have, is really good scenic designing and this is one of their many examples.
Other than that, I did a little bit of farming with my NPC Epilleve. I've decided that i'm going to try and grow some ores, as a LS member is willing to craft me some elemental beads, which I can then ask another LS member who has Woodworking 100+3 to craft into the elemental staves. I am hoping that I can get an HQ staff, and figure that because i'm not spending any money on the materials, if I get a regular i'm not going to be upset. Just means I have to remind myself to check on my mules daily >_<
And as of last night, I soloed my second Sewer Syrup on my RDM/NIN. One of our LS members, Kagemusha has been lvling his PLD and just hit 60. He wanted to camp Sewer Syrup to get his Jelly Ring, so I headed down to try and pop the NM. The trick with this NM is that you have to kill 2 mousses (lvl 67ish) and hope that the NM spawns. Well, when we got there, we already had 1 counter camper who brought a few of his bodies as time went by... so I called reinforcements! We had quite a few LS members come to our rescue, and soon we had about 7 of our members, vs 5 of theirs which ultimately led to them leaving! *evil grin*
So about 4hrs later, it was just me, Xean and Kagemusha left and just as we were discussing the possibility of leaving within the hour, our NM popped!! So off I went to solo!! I killed that NM with a little help, and Jelly Ring dropped!
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