Tuesday, August 07, 2007

CoP - Will I ever see the end?

I'm really starting to doubt that i'm ever going to finish the Chains of Promathia missions and finally obtain my Tamas Ring. About 2 months ago, our CoP static leader Sirivalin ended up having to leave the game for RL reasons, and hasn't been able to reactivate his account since. He had told our group to proceed with the missions, and most of us had promised that if he does come back we'd help him finish the last of the missions, because we were all close to the end -- Mission 8.0.

While we were able to get a friend (Anderoc) to volunteer and help us finish the missions, we were never able to actually get together to continue because someone usually had something happening in RL on our saturdays, which was our static day. So we waited a month, and finally when we were going to be able to continue a few more things happened and it was pretty much assumed that one of our members wouldn't be joining us for the next missions. So now we needed to replace yet another... but coincidentally, one of our new LS members was also on the same mission and asked to join. We were all set. Or so I thought...

Last Saturday, we were finally going to be able to work on 1-2 missions... but after confirming with our new 6th member, I found out that he was going to be leading his new sky LS and doing events. He was going to be doing this at the time that had previously been discussed and confirmed for our "CoP Static time". I was really disappointed, not because we were going to have to find a 6th yet again but because I didn't really think he really cared all that much that the entire week I had waited, under the impression he was going to help us... I could have been searching for someone to fill in. I didn't get the final confirmation that he wasn't going to commit until that Saturday morning, and it fell on me to disappoint the rest of the members who had been eager to continue and expected us to complete a few missions that Saturday. I hated having to tell the others "We're stuck again, we don't have a 6th. We can't proceed, run is cancelled". And I didn't really get the impression that our "so called committed 6th" really cared about our situation. But I guess some people in this game only look out for themselves and can't be bothered with the problems of others.

Anyways, i'm not going to give up because our static has 2 good friends and I want to see them also get their CoP rings. I'm just at a loss as to how I can get a 6th to help out, because I don't personally know anyone that is on CoP 8.0. I just hope something comes up, it would be nice to finally have these missions complete.

So what else... Well our LS did another Sabotender Bailarina run for one of our MNKs. We gathered quite a few of our members, brought out our NPCs and started killing placeholders. After about 40 minutes, the NM finally spawned and we took him down... but he sure annihilated our NPCs with his 100 needles. It was still fun, and we all got together to take a nice group screenshot. I really like these, reminds me of what our LS is capable of because of our desire to help one another.

After that, we headed out to help Shaolina kill her cactuar for her mission 6.1 (San d'Oria). This guy was MUCH easier than Sabotender Bailarina and took barely a minute for us to kill.

Hmm, there are a few sky updates too. KeitaroAeon took down Genbu with ease, and I managed to get the Aquarian Abjuration: Head (for Zenith Crown) for only 2 pts! No one else needed or wanted them I guess lol. We also got the A. Hands which made one of our BLM very happy. I'll probably be saving up points for these soon, but for the moment I think i'm going to try and get PLD or WHM gear seeing as I use WHM mostly in Sky, and i'm sure the other BLMs would benefit more from the A. Hands right now.

We also did a Shen run on Saturday morning and I got myself a reverand mail. We ended up doing about 8 runs, 2 of which were for non-ls members. One random person had showed up and asked if we'd help him kill it, and we figured why not. All runs were successful with only a few deaths. I hope that we'll get to do more NMs like this, I have a lot of pop items in storage and its a nice change from sky farming.

And on Sunday, I spent the day helping out with CoP stuff. First I helped some LS members get CoP 2.3 done, the one with the minotaur fight. We ended up having almost a full alliance for this because a lot of people wanted to help out. After we finished up with the fight, we headed up to the library and because we were planning on doing some subligar farming after, we thought we'd kill the fomors in the library. Bad idea ; ;

Some of us didn't realize that the more fomor hate you had, the bigger aggro range the fomor had. We had pulled one party of 2 fomor to the doors, and started killing them but as soon as our sneaks wore, a few of us with high fomor hate ended up drawing in the other parties of fomors in the library and we were annihilated. This was definitely a massacre to remember... we had such a hard time trying to raise everyone because none of us were really in a safe spot to raise, and usually our "guesses" with the aggro range weren't so good. I believe Pasquale died the most, that poor Taru has the biggest death rate i've ever seen, it almost rivals Xean's drop rate lol. But in the end, our BLM and WHMs were able to save us all and about an hour later we had completed the mission and headed on to subligar farming!

By the end of the run, we had managed to get quite a few subligars - SAM, PLD, PLD, SMN/WHM, NIN, NIN, THF. We weren't able to get everyone the subligar they were after, but everyone agreed to continue and finish the farming next sunday. So i'll be looking forward to that next week, and this time we'll have more time to farm because we will be starting the farming right away.

Oh and before I forget, figured i'd share the new look for my RDM. I had seen this outfit on a mithra .dat and wanted it for elvaan, so I made a request on ffxidats.com and ended up getting someone willing to help me out. I actually did make a change myself (Xean's been teaching me the few things he knows about .dat editing) and made most of the body black by getting rid of the majority of the red stripes, but I don't have a pic of myself in the new version right now.

The only other thing worth mentioning... is that invites on my WAR and Xean's THF are well.. non-existent. Two nights this week, we've had our seeks up for hours and had nothing. I've even kept an eye out for the people seeking in our lvl range, so I could make a party but all there have been are DDs. No tanks, no healers and no refreshers. I hope we can get past these next few lvls because I really would like to be able to have another option for the jobs I merit with. Plus it would be nice to have Xean have his THF at 75 so he can do some farming with TH3 (even though i'm sure that doesn't really affect his drop rate lol) Hopefully we'll have a chance later this week to seek and get a lvl at least. Its been so slow lately.

And last but not least, just a couple of cute pics of me and Xean that I had taken and liked. He likes to make fun of me because i'm obsessed with taking pics, but I don't mind. I like being able to have pictures to look back on and help remember things that happened in the game that I might of enjoyed =)


Alexandro said...
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Alexandro said...

Nice happenings i'd like to be in a more comfortable time zone to join some of these and have fun with you all more ; ;
But god, that massacre in Phomiuna Aqueduct was great :D
And well... be patient for CoP, another team is going to reach you up there, and then at least there will be people eager to help.
