Friday, February 27, 2009

lolDragoon 75!

Yep, finally dinged 75 on yet another job: Dragoon!

That now makes me 8/15 on the jobs @75 needed to get Maat's Cap. And though people in my social ls keep swearing i'll get it one day, I know that I probably won't have more than 10 jobs at 75. While I really enjoy getting jobs up to 75 (with the exception of Ninja and Beastmaster) the fact is, I really don't have the space to continue having so many "active" jobs. I suppose I could go ahead and gimp a few gear-wise, but i'd really prefer not to.

I'd really like to take up BRD to 75 next, but I don't think I want to invest in it gil-wise and doubt that i'd be able to re-work my inventory. I guess if SE ends up giving us some new extensions to our inventory options, I might consider it but for now it'll be on the "to do" list. Besides, i'm working on my SMN still (lvl 62).

My main focus in the last week has been making what little progress i'm capable of, on my Burtang. I would really like to have a fully upgraded Mythic Weapon one day, and while I bet its more likely I won't be able to complete the upgrade entirely, I like the motivation of having something to work for in the game.

I've already been invited into an Einhejar shell which I start today, and i'm really looking forward to that. Its a new shell called Glowsticks, and while the leader told me that they haven't been able to access Odin yet, i'm still eager to try it out. I usually end up getting involved with fairly new shells and i've always enjoyed the experience of seeing the shell progress as a team. So far the members seem to have really great attitudes from what I can tell, and leadership seems really organized, so I'm pretty sure i'll have fun doing this event.

Then there's Salvage. I've been trying to find a shell to take part in on a regular basis, but so far no luck. But its not too bad, my friend Janko was able to ask his Salvage group to take me in for the boss wins so that I can get the titles needed for the mythic weapon quests. The first time I went with his group, I just went afk until the end of the run until they got to the boss. I then decided to target the boss chariot, to see what it's HP was sitting at. Big mistake.

My screen froze up, and POL crashed on me. I logged in as quickly as I could, but by the time I came back, the alliance had already killed the chariot boss and so I didn't get the title. But luckily they were going to do the same one a couple of days later, and so I pretty much did the same thing. Sat in zone, waited until they got tot he boss, and this time I DIDN'T give into my curiosity to target the boss, which resulted in me obtaining the title "Sun Charioteer". Now I only have 3 more titles to go!

And on that topic, i've been subject to a LOT of generosity in the last week. A few of my friends have helped pick up some cheap Alexandrites for me (Carste, Vepion) and a few others have actaully gone as far as giving me donations (Onedarkflame, Janko, Kawanomu). I'm really greateful to have such good friends wanting to help me out with the insane task of obtaining 30,000 Alexandrite. Thanks to them, i'm now sitting at about 450/30,000!

Now if I could just get another Braveheart sword to drop! I can't believe I tossed the one I had... but when I had finally unlocked Atonement, there was absolutely no thought that I might decide to try and upgrade it one day. Then of course a week later, the crazy idea cemented into my brain and while I wasn't crying about the situation... I was reminded of that same feeling the day I tossed my bibiki shell. -_-

And so I made the trip back to Sea this week.

It's really been months since i've been up there (aside from doing Limbus) but after getting DRG to 75, I really wanted to take advantage of gearing up the job as best I could. I originally got some help from Janko's BLU one day. We started killing sharks for their organs, which had its moments...

Eventually things were made easier for us, because there was a group farming the HQ shark organs in the area and they offered to team up with us, allowing us to lot the NQ organs. Things worked out in my favor, and I ended up getting 8/10 organs, in addition to the 5/5 squid organs that I needed.

A couple of days later, I decided to finish up the farming and headed out again on my BLM. I soloed probably about 5-8 sharks before I got the last 2 organs. All that was left, was the one organ from a UFO. And so Sabene and Anderoc came to help me out. We first tried a "manaburn" style, (2 BLMs, 1 RDM) but we weren't really able to nuke the mob down fast enough due to the regen effect it had. So at that point, we decided we'd call it and try another time. Sabene ended up logging out, and about 3 minutes later Carste and Zeo offered to come help out on their NINs.

The first fight we had, was a little unexpected and I didn't get a chance to get off my usual spells which I think might have helped us a little more. Near the end of the mob's life, it started to spam TP moves which really drained my MP, and because of my emnity merits I did end up taking hate at one point which resulted in me losing my stoneskin really quick, and was then followed by me getting KO'd. I had to HP at this point because I didn't have RR up. By the time I was able to get back to the group, everyone but Anderoc was dead and I wasn't able to get within range fast enough before he too ended up eating the dirt... er, water.

So we gave it another go, and this time it was a success however there was a death here and there I think. The fights always started out pretty easy, but near the end the mob would usually start getting off some really nasty moves and I just couldn't keep up with the MP, so the fights got pretty messy. But we did manage to go 1/3 on the organs (or maybe it was 1/4?) so I can't complain. We tried one last UFO to try and get an organ for Anderoc, but sadly no drop.

All the work though was worth it, I got to bring out my DRG to a merit pty that Vepion formed one night and was able to enjoy seeing my Drakesbane hit 800-1150 on birds. :)

Something else good happened this week too. That ENM i've been doing with Carste and Janko turned out to be a success. Carste finally got his X's Knife!

That makes us 1/3 for this fight, and from what I hear... that's really damn good. I've heard of many career THFs going more than 0/50. The best part, is that right before we entered... I told them I had "a good feeling" and turns out I was right. Every so often, i'll get this feeling and more often than not, I seem to be right. Well, at least when it is anything BUT the kraken club BCNM. ¬_¬

To add to our "adventures with Carste the Beardmage", a few of us in the LS got to help him with one of the Windurst missions. The mission was to take down some orcs in Davoi, and while the fight was relatively easy, getting the cutscene he needed at the end proved to be a difficult task. Well not really, but at least an entertaining one.

Carste ended up falling down off a bridge he wasn't supposed to, and so instead of taking the long way to come back to the rest of us, he decided to go and aggro the pugils nearby. We all thought it'd be a good idea, and save us time... until we saw how long it was taking for his HP to drop. Even after removing all his gear, the fish kept missing him like crazy. Eventually though, I think he did take the long way to meet up with us and get his last cutscene.

My social ls also is doing exceptionally well with ZNMs. Last week we did Cheese Hoarder, Iriz Ima and Ob. Ob was pretty interesting and new to many of us, probably more so for Janko because he was able to bring his PUP to the fight. I guess the trick with this fight, is to have a PUP bring out a specific puppet to control what type of frame Ob will have. After that, its a piece of cake like with most Tier 1's.

And this week we're hoping to try a couple of Tier 3's provided we have enough ls members available. I'm really hoping that we do, because I'll get to bring out my PLD/NIN and try the blink tanking again.

That's about all I can think to post about. I'll leave off this one with an interesting pic I took in Bastok (and who said Bastok was ugly?)

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