Monday, September 24, 2007

Sabene & Arimis' wedding ^^

This past saturday, two in game friends of mine finally had their "FFXI wedding". A little over a month ago, my friend Sabene mentioned that she wanted to have an ingame wedding with her rl husband, Arimis. They were looking for someone to be the chaperon (SE requires a third person to submit the application) and so I volunteered.

After sending in the application for their wedding, I received a response from SE saying it had been accepted which was really strange considering me and Xean had waited months to have ours accepted. But anyways, I was glad it was accepted right away and that they didn't have to continue applying.

So here's how the wedding went...

I waited outside the Bastok Lighthouse which is where the wedding was to be held. The wedding GM Mefoele contacted me and told me she would be ready shortly, and to have the guests wait nearby. When Sabene and Arimis arrived, all 3 of us were teleported to the roof of the lighthouse where the GM went over the ceremony and rules with us. I was then taken back to where the guests were waiting, and went over everything with them.

Finally when the wedding was ready, the GM teleported us all to the top and we took our positions, lining up with the stairs in two rows that the bride and groom, and myself would walk through. Everything was going great, but I did have to get a reminder from the GM to /cheer on Sabene after I took my spot in the line because I had momentarily forgot. >_<;

The ceremony itself was a little corny, what I would call your "typical" wedding that you see on television. But the one thing I did like for this style of wedding was that Sabene and Arimis had been able to submit their favorite quotes, which were said during the ceremony. I think Bastok needs a little bit of originality to their wedding ceremonies, hehe.

After Sabene and Arimis were pronounced husband and wife, the guests were asked to make a toast so we all drank a bottle of juice. Then we got to set off fire crackers and job abilities as a way to celebrate the end of the event. Before we were teleported to the bottom of the lighthouse, we were able to take a few pictures which I have here:

When the ceremony was over, Sabene and Arimis asked us all to get lvl 1 jobs, because we were going to do a naked race to Jeuno. Right before though, myself and Xean gave Arimis and Sabene some wedding gifts, because you can't let them have a wedding and not get a little something on their special day ^^. I had crafted a Gateau aux Fraises (Bastokan Cake) and signed it for Sabene, and included a stack of Angel Wing fireworks. Xean gave Arimis a crafted and signed Tarutaru desk, a stack of Muteppo fireworks and for giggles... a bowl of leech saliva XD

So shortly after, we prepared and got ready for the race!

At first I was in the lead, but me being... well me, I had to take pictures and that caused me to lag so I fell behind in third! And anytime we zoned, i'd fall even more behind because my connection has always been aweful for zoning >_<

But thats ok, I managed to get into second, behind a player named Kanash. When we were about half way through Pashlow Marshlands though, we took one of the routes that had very little room to go around mobs and there was this one goblin up ahead. I thought for sure Kanash would aggro, and he should have but for whatever reason the goblin didn't see him and instead got me, and one shotted me with drain ; ; So I HPed, and took the airship to Jeuno to wait for everyone else.

When we were done with the race, we decided to do a lvl 10 capped ballista fight at Ghelsba Outpost. I went as MNK/PUP, thinking if I had the little puppet it would help me some. Of course seeing as the job was lvl 1, and I had never touched it... I had no clue that there was a 20 minute recast time to summon it, and so I only managed to bring the stupid thing out twice during our entire event, only to see it die in seconds -_-

Xean had gone DRG for fun, he wasn't really planning on playing seriously but more for laughs and wanted to see his DRG get annihilated because he hates the job so much. I still have a hard time believing he even got the job to lvl 11, lol.

Anyways we had a lot of fun with this, I managed to kill Spalko, Arimis and even Xean... mwahahaha...

but of course....

I also ate dirt more than once <_<

And the best part was that Sabene, the bride scored our team some points too. She was actually pretty good, lol. Its just too bad that the cap was set so low, because there wasnt a lot of options to use when you wanted to take another player out. Oh well, it was fun and definitely time well spent with the LS.

After the ballista, Sabene and Arimis had to logout so I went to go seek on SAM. About 20 minutes later I got asked to help Xean's brother Sethidus with an NM in the Temple of Ugaleppih, a little treant type mob. When we first pulled it though, I think he got off a double attack or something because Xean's shadows were gone and before I could get off a haste or even a cure, the mob killed Xean so we had to zone. When we went back to pull it again, we decided to leave Xean's health at full because the last time I had left him in yellow so he could activate the latent on his haste ring. Second round was an easy win, and we decided to farm the opo-opo crown quest items for the rest of the night. I'm still needing the Ten of Coins card, but i'll wait a while before I try farming that seeing as it has a stupid drop rate.

And other than that, i've just been lvling SAM again. Finally hit lvl 50, but I have to say I really don't like pickup parties anymore. I'm hoping that I can stay caught up with Anderoc's static because all my pickup parties i've had lately are more annoying than fun. It took me more than 2 hrs to get 7k in one party, and all the while i've been trying to do skill chains with other melees but they don't seem to comprehend "Please announce your tp if I announce mine". I hate sitting on TP as SAM, and if the other melee doesn't have 100% or near full, i'd rather use a weaponskill than get 200% tp while I wait for the other melee to be ready to skill chain -_-

Oh, and in other news.... Ose still refuses to drop his assault jerkin. Me and some other ls members went out to help our friend Standpoint get the drop for his DRG. I only managed to make one pop as I had sky earlier, but I heard that for the entire night they went 0/3. My experience so far is 0/6, and I don't get how some people say they're 1/1 on him. The good thing is that we did manage to get another decent THF dagger for Josudes though, when we killed Soulstealer Skullpix. He just took 3hrs to spawn........

And so today, I plan to start on my AF which I believe is mostly useless, maybe get a bit of xp in and... as of this moment, i'm currently waiting for stupid Kreutzet to pop for my friend Carste. We've tried getting this NM to drop a really good dagger for THF, but we've had something like 0/5. The worst part is Kreutzet is a 9-12hr respawn, and only spawns during wind weather, which isn't guaranteed until his 3hr window is over. We better get the claim today, and the drop.... this bird needs to die!!!! if I ever lvl thf, I am NOT going after this item >_<

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