Saturday, May 23, 2009

Plunderer of the Seas.

This update is a little overdo (and extremely long!), but...

I've finally achieved COR75! This makes #9 among the jobs I have at 75.

It didn't really take long for me to go from 70-75 with Xean's BRD. With our setup, all our parties were pretty much done merit style. I think we even managed to hit about 27k/hr in those last levels in one party.

And while my COR isn't the kind of DD that my DRG is, (or my "on-vacation SAM") it definitely doesn't lack in the dmg department. I owe a lot of thanks to that, to my friends and LS mates. In the last month they've helped me obtain a few pieces of gear which have really made a difference.

For starters, I had a successful "Experimental Lamia" run during one of our Saturday Night ZNM runs. I had tried to pop this ZNM for 2 weeks in a row, but there were never enough people available to attempt it. But finally, after going the extra mile to plan for it, my LS pulled through for me and after a fairly easy fight, I was rewarded with my Enkidu's Leggings. (Yay for Carste's TH4!)

Next up, I got myself a Light Gorget. Soulstar had just recently gotten sea access and had setup a "UFO Farming" run for people that were needing some sea gorgets. So Drimergirl, Zeo, Carste, Xean and Janko came to help, and after two nights worth of farming, we had managed to get all the UFO organs we needed to complete 1-2 gorgets each.

Then for the last bit of farming I needed to do, Xean came out on his THF and duo'ed with my RDM. I had to farm what seemed like a gazillian Aerns, which kept reraising making us double our efforts. But finally we did manage to get all the organs needed from the Aerns and the goldfish. I had lucked out from the previous UFO farming sessions and gotten my shark organs there, so that was one less thing to do.

And even though I probably won't see many events where i'll be able to bring my COR (just isn't as useful as the other jobs I can bring), I managed to unlock the two weapon skills: Leaden Salute & Detonator!

(NM that me and Xean duo'ed to unlock Detonator)

Getting the weapon skill points was quite a pain for Detonator, because the highest weapon skill I had was Slug Shot which couldn't even do a level 3 skill chain. But thanks to Xean and Carste I was able to complete the points I needed and finally unlock it. Then it didn't take long for me to unlock Leaden Salute because I was now able to close light with Xean's Shark Bite!

Then, just as I lucked out with getting my PLD relic in Xarcabard and Beaucedine Glacier through Dynamis on our very first runs... I also found myself swimming in the same luck. This month RoR did both Beaucedine and Xarcabard, and having just gotten my COR to 75 meant that I was now able to lot the gear there. During the runs, the Commodore Tricorn and Frac dropped. And because no one had set the gear as their main lot, and the only other COR75 in our LS already had the pieces, I was automatically able to lot them! Getting these pieces so quickly and easily was a very nice experience though I have a sneaking suspicion this means i'm probably not going to be so lucky for a long time to come @_@

As for playing COR @75, i've really been enjoying it. Its really expensive if I want to try and keep up with the other DDs, but the point of playing this game is to have fun so I find a way to pretend I don't know the expenses i'm paying into just to play it for a couple of hours in a merit party. Plus, thanks to Xean's TH3 we've had some really good success in the last week farming together.

Aside from the big dent in my wallet this job can make, its quite a change from the two jobs i'm used to playing: healer or melee DD. I like that the job incorporates a little of both (though the healing isn't really so much healing, just buffing really)

So aside from getting in a lot of meriting this week, I've managed to get a few more pieces for my PLD. I quested the Mermaid's Ring for my PLD which gives me a little extra emnity. I have no idea why I never bothered to get one of these pieces during my PLD career, but I guess it's not important anymore! The quest was actually a little more excruciating than I had thought, especially with just TH1. I had to kill 4 different types of Sahagins for some rare/ex mermaid pieces. I managed to get one of an NM (100% drop rate) and the other took me a good 2-3 hrs. I then was able to duo-box Xean and use his THF for TH3 which allowed me to get the last 2 pieces I needed in about the same time. All that was left was to go around the jungle and find the chest, and voilĂ !

Edit: As of tonight, I now have my first piece of Denali gear! I had been invited out with some friends, and had arranged for Xean to play my character for me during my usual Friday Nyzul static. When I got back home, they were just finishing their 3rd run and fighting the boss for floor 40. A few minutes later, I was told that the Denali Legs had dropped, and even though I was technically main lotting Askar for that floor, the members in my static decided to pass the gear and let me have it for my COR. I really had a hard time knowing how to express my excitement and gratitude to my friends without seeming like a complete psycho.

It's actually funny when I think about my Nyzul static... I remember once upon a time ago, I despised the event and was pretty pessimistic about it (then again, i've become pessimistic about a lot of things in this game after playing for so long @_@) But after we had changed up the jobs people brought, and got a few merits, the runs became so smooth and I finally found myself enjoying them.

But anyways back to the more important point, I have some really really great friends in this game and thanks to their kindness, I now have yet another good piece of gear to spice up my COR just a bit!

I also spent a couple of days doing some campaign whenever there wasn't much time to do anything else.

I had to get about 25k allied notes to get my Iron Ram Dastanas to also add to my emnity set. It was really hard to actually make myself do campaign at first, but when I was within 10k suddenly it didn't seem like such a challenge. It just so happened that it gave me something to do while I stayed up late into the morning to keep Xean company because at the time he was waiting on Aspid (I think that's the name) to spawn.

Speaking of that... Xean finally changed his mind and is going to go after the Black Belt items by purchasing them from an HNM shell. The one LS that we had both joined (though my status was really more of a tag-along if I have nothing else to do) had apparently merged with another and had quite a few people wanting to lot the BB items. The people that wanted these items, were also the kind that were in-game 24/7 and therefore able to accumulate points twice as fast as Xean (or myself). We both decided that at least for right now, the HNM thing wasn't really going to be for us. And so now our plan is to farm up a storm and buy the BB items.

Then hopefully if things work out, we'll be starting a new Salvage group through our LS (lead by the famous drunk-bearded-mage-who-thinks-he-is-chuck-norris aka Carste) and Xean will finally get to have some fun on MNK and i'll have another challenging event to play on my RDM. I might even get to bring my COR to the boss runs! O_O

I'm not looking forward to the runs we'll have to do with a few green amphibians that will remain unnamed, but i'm definitely willing to give this a go and hope for the best. It'd be really nice to see some people from our LS get an opportunity to obtain some of the best gear available in this game. And being able to say that our little social was able to succeed at yet another endgame event... well, that's just another thing to smile about.

And now to catch up on the other stuff i've been up to!

The CoP static in my LS finally reached chapter 8. I headed out to help them with the 3 fights up in Sea, which went a lot faster than I predicted. The fights were relatively easy with 2 RDMs (myself and Chisei) alternating the ES + Sleepga. We did get a little aggro here and there, but then again who doesn't when you're in Sea?

I wasn't able to help with the next mission because of my static for my SMN, but from what I heard Drimergirl, Soulstar, Standpoint and Timwakefield made some more progress. The plan now is to wrap up with the last two fights in the CoP missions in about 2 weeks and finally we'll have another bunch of LS members that have finally completed the CoP expansion! Then... its time to pester a few others to get their static setup. Eveeeeeeeeentually our entire LS will be done with CoP, and SEA WILL BE OURS! <_<

And on the topic of sea, Jailer of Faith can go dig himself a grave! Xean had tried to setup a JoF run a few weeks ago, but unfortunately he had some RL plans come up and we had to cancel at the last minute. So we scheduled for the following week, and struggled to find people that would be available and willing to help with the fight. During that week me and Xean farmed up a total of 7 pop items, just to make sure that we'd see at least one Faith Torque. I would end up getting the second if one dropped, and then we'd allow anyone else who participated to lot any after.

Sadly though, the fight didn't go well. Xean seemed to be tanking pretty well and the dmg looked good, we managed to get JoF down to about 60%. The problem though was that he spammed some move that kept giving the slow effect to Xean, as well as a petrify AoE move AND Stonega III. I was having a really hard time keeping up with casting Cure V > Erase > Haste > Stona > Repeat. I couldn't even find time to rest and had both Ballad and Refresh @_@

Eventually what made the fight turn for the worse was when Xean went really low on HP and I was in the process of casting erase on him, and unfortunately no other cures got cast after he took some massive dmg and then before I had a chance to get my own cure off, I watched his HP go to O. Then from there, JoF picked us all off one by one. Carste managed to kite him for a little bit, but we just didn't have enough time to try and recover. The most disappointing part of the evening was that immediately after that loss, the only other two healers had to leave which pretty much forced us to cancel the rest of the run. It was really frustrating and discouraging after having put so much work into setting up the run.

I'm really hoping that in the next month or two I can try and help Xean setup another run now that we'll have more ppl with access to this fight, but that also has been a challenge. I'm never sure if the people I ask really don't want to come, and I hate putting them in a position where they feel like they have to say yes out of obligation. Hopefully taking a break from this goal will be a nice breather and give me some time to get a better feel to know who really doesn't mind helping with the fight. Then the only other challenge is setting up a time that works conveniently for everyone. Stupid time zones ~_~

I also was able to help out the most recent addition to my little SAM army, Standpoint, with his Tashi: Kasha NM. I'm telling you, one day i'll have the entire LS with SAM75... and then, I will unretire it and lead them to many many fun parties filled with WHEEEEEEE's.

We did a few WS points out in Vunker Inlet [S] and then geared up for the fight which was in Kuftal Tunnel. Xean came along to help, and I pretty much just tossed a few enfeebles and watched the two elvaan men annihilate the beetle. Fight wasn't even much of a challenge for a BLU75

and MNK75!

And last thing worth mentioning, I had another opportunity to bring out my PLD for a LS event! Drimergirl had asked for some help getting her Carbuncle Mitts for her up and coming SMN, so myself, Xean, Athoz and Vepion went to the temple of Uggalepih to give her a hand. I had farmed up the key she needed to get to the NM area, as well as the pop item so that really let us speed things up. As for the fight, I wish I could say I remembered it but to be honest the only thing I remember is hitting my provoke macro! Its surprising what once might have been a really difficult fight, can be so easy and quick! I remember having close to 2 parties when I had gone after my Carbuncle Mitts years ago.... and here we were, with less than a party and the whole thing probably lasted no longer than 5 minutes! Oh well, the important thing is that Drimergirl was estatic at the end.

So guess i'll end this post by expressing my current thoughts...

I need to do some testing on my DRG! I have been getting an urge to play my SAM again thanks to a few people in the LS that have been expressing how much fun they've had recently lvling the jobs. But I really don't think its a good idea to keep multiple heavy DDs geared and available when I have so many mage jobs. Even with the satchel, I am still struggling to maintain a "20 empty inventory" space. So my goal for the next little while, will be to see how I can better gear my DRG to bring it up to par on non-bird mobs so that the temptation of getting my SAM out of retirement won't be so strong. First on the list: Get my Pahluwan Legs!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Getting caught up in the moments.

Sometimes, that's exactly what we need to do when we play this game. "Get caught up in the moment".

Lately i've been noticing that a lot of people I know, have been feeling stressed out with the many goals they seek to accomplish in this game. I'm sure i've been feeling it myself at times. And the downside to this, is that we get so consumed with "having" to get something done that we easily forget to enjoy ourselves and the moments that we have which make this game worth playing in the first place.

So I think for this blog entry, i'm going to savor the moments i've had recently which have either made me laugh, or made me smile.

Lets start off with what I like to call, "getting cudly with the tarus".

That there is Xean and Falk (now called Sjoidjgo thanks to the RMT that hacked his account and the wonderful SE support who refused to let him change his name back). We were waiting to pop Iriz Ima, which our LS has done countless times...

The fight went very well, as always. All we had to do was bring out a few nukers, and voilĂ ! GAME OVER for the poor elephant. Err, Marid.

Next up, a little bit of UFO farming.

Soulstar had just recently gotten his sea access, and wanted to farm up some UFO organs that he needed to quest his WS gorget. So a bunch of us headed up to Sea to give him a hand, and also to farm a few extras.

We had Xean and Zeo tanking, while Soulstar would jump in here and there for his treasure hunter. Drimergirl and myself were on healing/enfeebling duty, and of course we had our reliable Chuck Norris (aka Carste) nuking away on BLM. Carste took a couple of deaths (he has quite a nuking set) throughout the night, but other than that things went pretty smoothly and everyone who needed a UFO organ was able to get one.

Also, one thing which most people might find incredibly mind numbing - weapon unlocking.

My COR just hit 73 as of today, but yesterday I was able to get it to 72 which meant time to unlock my Coffinmaker i've had waiting in storage for months. I was really excited to finally be able to work on this and it available for future parties... until I found out that I couldn't make a level 3 skillchain. -_-

But... things worked out because I was able to drag Xean out on his MNK to help me out!

We worked on getting the 500 points I needed for what seemed like forever. And though things took a lot longer than I thought they would, I content just to spend time with him doing something together. Eventually he had to take a break which was fine, because I was able to solo the crabs in Vunker Inlet [S] just fine on COR (go go Ninja's Roll!) while he was away. Later in the night he came back and helped me finish up my last 40 points and I was ready to lvl again on COR!

Only we had to wait until the next day. Cuz you know, people need sleep. <_<

So this morning, we decided to try and setup a merit pty to get some fast xp. At first, things weren't looking too good for us because there was NO healer in sight and the only people in LS that had healing jobs were already busy.

Eventually though a RDM popped up and so I invited him right away. Then I grabbed a DRG, SAM and WAR (thanks Zeo!) to fill the rest of the party and we headed out to the Colibri camp which was empty.

I don't know exactly how much xp we managed to get, but the party we had was one of the best i'd had in a long time. Kills were easily under 5-10 seconds, and the majority of my slugshots were hitting. Xean seemed to be enjoying himself a lot because at the rate we were killing, we were definitely keeping him busy with pulls. We got up to about chain #126 and the only reason the chain ended is because we eventually had to replace Zeo and I had made the mistake of inviting the replacement before he was actually ready to engage the mobs and fight.

All I know is that I really can't wait to finally be able to do some LS merit parties with Xean's BRD. Called me biased, but he's damn good and i'm just keeping my fingers crossed he still has this new "ability" to endure long grinds in FFXI because I want LOTSA xp!

My only other challenge when we hit 75 will be to find someone willing to act as the healer. I love being on RDM, and I probably will end up going if I don't know the healer personally (most RDMs tend to be really lazy) but I really have been enjoying my COR and hope that i'll be able to bring that to some merit ptys. Or my lolDRG!

Last saturday was also a success for ZNMs. I hadn't been able to pop my Experimental Lamia for the last two weeks which really had me discouraged and pretty much ready to give up on even doing ZNMs for myself anymore, but my LS "saved the day" as the saying goes. I had a full alliance show up for my ZNM and even got the Enkidu's Leggings i'd been hoping for which I can now use on my COR. Now I just need to get the Aurum Cuisses and I think i'll be done with ZNM gear.

Then the plan is to start popping extra ZNMs that I know others need but don't have the time to really farm up the zeni. I just really have to remind myself to actually farm the zeni because like with campaign, that's one thing I always put off.

We also managed to kill Nuhn, Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon, Iriz Ima, Chigre and Dea that night which was no surprise. I was really glad that Drimergirl finally got her Blood Ring that night... she had popped Chigre the last two weeks but never managed to get her ring.

And to make this week an even bigger success, we got Xean, Vepion and Darce up to floor 81 in Nyzul. A goliard body dropped and Xean won that, which is a nice macro piece for his WHM. Hopefully we'll be able to get floor 100 in the next two weeks and then after that, we'll be spamming some assault to help Vepion get a Yigit Body for his BRD.

And though it was a sweet gesture to serenade to me and Xean, I think we might just have to persuade Vepion to get some singing lessons. Elvaan men don't exactly have that melodic voice.

Last things to note - I got myself a Hades Earring +1! OMG YES TWO WHOLE EMNITY!!!!! I still need to quest my Mermaid's Ring though to add to my emnity set.

My goal is to have so much emnity that the next time I get asked to tank something, NO ONE will take it away! ~_~

So that's all I can think to post about now.

Oh, but one last thing!


*Stares nervously*

*Holds big jar of dirt close to her chest*