Friday, April 09, 2010

Things are a little slow.

I can't really say a lot has happened recently. I've been playing a lot less, which is partly due to my RL getting busy with marriage/moving and stuff... and also because I no longer really enjoy playing solo the majority of the time. Not many friends play much anymore, or frequently for that matter and so I typically just have my character on for the day while I go and watch TV or do something else.

There have been a few fun events lately in LS that have come up, such as a Jailer of Faith run we had just last weekend. Despite only getting only one torque, we had a successful 4 runs. We had a great turnout too which I was really surprised at and the overall fight went really well with only a few deaths. The best part about the JoF run for me was that I now feel capable of navigating the area without a map. I just wish that the respawn time wasn't 15 minutes, because we had about a 30 minute "down time" in between each pop due to having to find the ??? and then getting everyone there.

Unfortunately we didn't come out with the number of torques we had hoped for, but I still had another 4 pop items leftover. I was able to go farming for some more pop items with Onedarkflame and Vepion later in the week, and we added another 3 to our collection. I believe we have 7 or 8 pop items now, so we'll hopefully be able to setup another run down the road and finish getting ls members their torques.

Salvage hasn't really changed much over the last couple of months. Our group hasn't killed too many bosses lately, and while we have seen a few good drops recently (completed morrigan's robe and usukane hands) it still can be really discouraging when you wipe to a chariot at 1 %. But at least it's something to do, and lately i've been needing that when it comes to FFXI.

I'm really hoping I get out of this phase where the game just seems boring. I used to enjoy it so much, but I have a hard time being motivated to do anything. The majority of goals require endgame shells and because of the other statics I have going on, I can't really juggle them all.

And now that there has been all this new stuff released, I feel really opposed to having to spend my free time reading about how it all works and I honestly don't want to pursue anything until I know for sure its worth my time. I've heard a lot of things about these new "Magian Weapons" but it seems like the final upgrades are more than a challenge for your typical player that isn't involved in endgame and I have yet to really spend the time figuring out what augments are really going to be "best".

I'm hoping the new WoG static i've joined with some LS members will spark up my interest in the game again, we'll see.

Otherwise seems that my future for FFXI is just meriting and farming with Xean's TH4. x_x