Friday, March 11, 2011

Ninja? Wut?

Ever since I started doing Abyssea stuff with friends, i've been collecting ninja gear/items for Xean's NIN. I figured that if I had everything ready in terms of gear, then it might be interesting to play the job down the road.

Well, I kinda jumped ahead of that plan, and took Xean's NIN out of retirement. The reason being is that I plan to work on the Verethragna (empyrial hand-to-hand) for Xean's MNK.

The current trial i'm on, involves killing the NM Chloris many... many... many times. I've already done this trial for Zerayla's Rhongomiant, and because of the work involved in completing that weapon, I wanted to avoid adding "more work" for those that are already helping me. So my plan is to duo the Chloris trial with my hubby on the side.

But after looking into what is involved, I had to rethink my strategy which had originally been to go WHM + THF. Because we need the key items from the lesser NMs in order to pop Chloris, we need to proc "Red". And unfortunately, THF is very limited with the available weaponskills to proc red. So, I decided to take Xean's NIN to 90 and get it ready.

At first I thought that i'd have the majority of the gear ready... however I quickly found out that most of my gear is 80+, and well... Xean's NIN was still at 75. So I went off to the AH and had to rebuy a lot of the old gear I had sold months ago, which I have to admit wasn't too bad. I just hope that by the time i'm able to sell the gear again, the prices haven't dropped too much.

So now that I have NIN decently geared... it's just a matter of getting those awesome abyssea party invites. I've already gotten to 85, and hoping to get to 90 before the end of today.

As for how i'm liking the job? Well, it just seems like a weak THF dressed in black. And even then, i've been able to do better eviscerations than blade: jin's in Abyssea. I probably need to beef up my WS build a bit more, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot available on the AH. I don't really intend to invest too much into the job just yet, but I may change my mind down the road if I find myself playing the job more often. Right now I want to concentrate mostly on Xean's MNK which is nearly complete! Then I wouldn't mind getting his THF up to par.

And other than that, I have finished up a lot of my +1 AF3 pieces on both characters. All I have left now are body seals. Then I can focus on the more challenging fights to get the +2 items!

I'm almost finished with a +2 body too. I managed to get into a pickup group that was fighting Empousa, in Abyssea Uleguerand. They needed a WHM, and were letting the Cards of Ardor go to whomever could fill that spot. So I immediately jumped in and managed to get a total of 8/9 cards. My dilemma now though is figuring out which job to put those towards. I can either go with the WHM +2 body, or the DRG +2 body. The issue with WHM is that I am still 5/10 body seals, so I can't actually upgrade yet. And with the DRG, well it's my hobby job that hasn't been needed. I may just upgrade my DRG body if I can get that last card. After all, I may be doing a Dynamis Xarcabard sometime in the future (depending on how the updates with Dynamis go) with TBH and was told that i'd be able to bring out my DRG provided we finish our empyrial weapons.

Aside from that, things have been more or less slow because people have been taking breaks or just busy. But that's given me a chance to try and help friends that have come back to the game. I really want to get more done for our little abyssea group, but also want to start making use of all the great stuff i've gained and be helpful to those that are just getting into Abyssea. Plus I have this strange like for the "grind" of seal farming.

Well, back to seeking on NIN and waiting for shouts. /sigh

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